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17:24: Why was the dwarf in Dwarf Fortress in a perpetual state of “Attending Meeting”? Because the meeting was with the Mayor and the Mayor’s office didn’t have a chair, so the Mayor wasn’t taking the meeting.


11:26: Use ImageMagick to prepare an image via cli for use on an e-paper or e-ink display.

For drawing without using prepared images on the Adafruit grayscale EPD, your 4 values are: #FFFFFF, #B1AFAD, #70696B, #000000.


10:46: I needed to insert only the day of the month in two spots and wasn’t grokking the numerical order significance of golang’s date layout constant. The tl;dr is: use ‘2’, ‘02’, or ‘_2’, as the date constant’s day of month is in the second position. NB: the third position is the hour; you’d use ‘15’ for 24h time and ‘3’ or ‘03’ for 12h time (paired with “PM” or “AM” where you want that inserted).

21:30: I need to spend some quality time playing around with CSS’s built-in grid1, in particular - with minmax and fraction sizing.


15:42: Chose the Terminal theme (“pink” variation) for this site. I will likely modify the css at some point to make the “pink” more purple, but for now, it’s a sufficiently purple shade of pink.

16:05: auto-citation / footnote / endnote links in Hugo-flavored Markdown1

Text with a citation[^1]

[^1]: This is the footnote or endnote

The Markdown parser will auto-number your citations as long as you put the footnote/endnote links in the same order as the inline citations.

17:16: Added the framed box at the top of the index with a small call to action.

22:23: Looking for the secret sauce of having Hugo generate a “Journal Entries” index page that groups all entries by year, then by month, then lists entries in order by day of month, with only a permalink to the entry and a list of tags. Fussing with templating is such fun, though.